Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Kathy Castle Health Communication Research

Dr. Kathy Castle, Department of Communication Studies, presented about her mixed methods health communication research to the Qualitative and Mixed Methods Interest Group (QMM) of the UNL Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Initiative, February 6, 2017.

Welcome to the new faculty of UNL Communication Studies!

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Communication Studies is very pleased to announce that Dr. Kristen Hoerl and Dr. Casey Ryan Kelly will be joining our faculty as Associate Professors in Rhetoric and Public Culture, starting August, 2017. Dr. Hoerl (PhD, University of Texas at Austin), and Dr. Kelly (PhD, University of Minnesota) are currently members of the faculty at Butler University. Welcome Kristen and Casey!

Dr. Kristen Hoerl
Dr. Casey Ryan Kelly

Monday, February 6, 2017

Cornhusker Speech & Debate hosted the inaugural Jack Kay Swing Tournament this past weekend

Cornhusker Speech & Debate hosted the inaugural Jack Kay Swing Tournament this past weekend here at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Jack was our Director of Forensics and then our Department Chair in Communication Studies. His legacy lives on at Nebraska and in all of his students, colleagues, friends, and of course family. Pictured at the awards ceremony, Dr. Aaron Duncan tells the assembled about Jack. We are also working to endow a Jack Kay Scholarship for a Speech & Debate in his honor. Jack Kay will always be a Husker in our hearts.