Tuesday, November 6, 2012

COMM Careers Week, Day 1

The first day of COMM Careers Week was a smashing success. We went over to Career Services in the Union to learn about the different resources available to Communication Studies majors. Among the many resources we learned about was Husker Hire Link. Students workshopped their resumes, got practice giving their "elevator speech," and learned about networking resources.

Be sure to come to the Regency Room in the Union today (Tuesday) from 3:30-5:00 p.m. to hear why employers think Communication Studies is a great degree, and then drop by Room 202 in the Multicultural Center on Thursday, November 8, from 6:30-8:00 to hear from recent alumni!

There will be prizes!

Dr. Jody Koenig Kellas dropping some knowledge on peeps.

Christina Fielder, Assistant Director of Career Services, explaining how they help students  avoid ending up in their parent's basement.

Just a glimmer of what we learned.

A Communication Studies major learning how to scrub their Facebook account.

We had a great turnout!

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